Current legislation stipulates that employers have a duty to inspect their shelving and racking systems, in the course of maintaining a safe working environment. We maintain that this, in good practice, should be carried out AT LEAST once per year.
It has been shown that racking damage happens incrementally rather than catastrophically in most instances. It is easy to know that an upright needs replacing when it has ‘had a whack’ however when a beam has been repeatedly overloaded and is suffering from enhanced deflection it is much harder to recognise. This beam could need replacing just as urgently as the major incident upright!
This is where we can help. Our highly experienced staff will realise the findings of their on site assessment in a clear and consice report. This report will highlight the need for repairs or upgrade where we believe they are necessary without swamping you with all the fine detail of their inspection. This is so that we can guide your management into informed decisions in making your workplace a safe one and conforming to health and safety legislation.
After repairs and upgrades have been made to your racking and/or shelving we can then undertake the task of your required certification. (Please see the section on ‘certification’)